Abhyanga Traditional Ayurveda massage using oils and other unctuous substances
Agni The heating, activating, energizing environmental energy associated with the sun, a component of Prana. Also, the flame of metabolism associated with Pitta. 
Akash One of the five Bhutas, the space element
AmaThe cold, sluggish form of impolite digestion. 
Amavishathe hot, reactive, toxic, acidic for of Ama
AnulomaMassage stroke with the pressure of the movement going from the proximal to distal part of the body, e.g. Shoulder to Hand
Ascetic a person who is devoted to self-discipline and abstention
Asthi One of the seven dhatus, represents the bone tissue
Ayurveda The knowledge of life, the science of prana and prana flow
Boon A blessing of helpful, beneficial or special abilities
Dhatu(s)“That which holds the body together”.  The collective term for the seven bodily tissues 
Distal  The area of the body further away from the center or point of attachment. 
Dosha(s)Biological force in the body, creates homeostasis, the collective term for the three doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. 
Effleurage A gentle pressure stroke or movement used in massage. 
EMF Electromagnetic Frequency, a vibrational toxin mixing with the Marut aspect of Prana and dries up the kapha, soma and ojas. 
EMR Electromagnetic Radiation, a vibrational toxin mixing with the Agni aspect of Prana, creating more pitta which burns kapha and ojas.
GarvishaEnvironmental sources of hot, reactive, toxic or acidic ingredients which can cause slow chemical poisoning
Guna(s)The 20 qualities or attributes of matter that describe the spectrum of qualities of a person’s doshas and dhatus, plus the qualities of all things outside the person. 
Heart LotusSVA Proprietary lineage recognition of the protective, vibrational barrier for the soul, preventing it damage from harsh external circumstances; said to reside in the emotional heart, capable of opening, closing or partially in between. 
Hridaya The marma point located in the center of the breastbone. A delicate marma, it supports the physical and emotional heart, it acts as the switch to opening the heart lotus and removes emotional stress. 
IdaOne of the three major nadis, associated with Soma and flowing on the left side of the body. 
Jal One of the five Bhutas, the water element
Kapha The soma predominant dosha, related to the physical, tangible structure and fluids of the body
Majja One of the seven dhatus, represents the nerve tissues, bone marrow and connective tissues.
Mamsa One of the seven dhatus, represents the muscle tissue
Mantra  A sound imbued with healing energy, an incantation, comprised of a syllable, word or group of words
MarmaA vital energy point on the body that receives Prana from nature and delivers it to the whole body, it is a point where the Soma, Agni and Marut prana converge and divert to different organs, structures and functions of the body. 
Meda One of the seven dhatus, represents the fat and adipose tissue
MudraPositions or gestures made with the body, most commonly recognized with the hands, which are a non-verbal form of communication and self-expression for the purpose affecting the physical and vibrational channels. 
Nabi  The marma point located at the umbilicus (belly button), it is the reservoir of Soma predominant prana and delivers the nourishing energy throughout the the vibrational and physical system. 
Nadi Vibrational channel in the physiology, three primary examples being ida, pinball and sushumna
OmThe primordial cosmic vibration at the source of the entire cosmos and all creation
Ojas The biological intelligence; the final result of bodily tissue transformation, often equated with immunity, neurotransmitters and hormones
Padma Mudra (lotus)A hand gesture representing an offering of flowers. Represents the blooming lotus, floating above the waters.  Performed by bringing hands into prayer position at the heart center.  Then opening and spreading the fingers and palms away from each other, while the wrists stay connected.
Pancha MahaBhuta The Five great elements: Akash (Space), Vayu (Air), Agni (Fire), Jal (Water) and Prithvi (Earth)
Petrissage A moderate to deep pressure stroke or movement used in massage that includes kneading, rounding, wringing, twisting and oscillation/vibration. 
Physical Channels Tangible pathways within the body, such as the digestive tract, circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system et al. 
PingalaOne of the three major nadis, associated with Agni and flowing on the right side of the body.
Pitta  The agni predominant dosha, related to metabolism, digestion and enzymatic processes
Prana The life supporting vibrational energy of the universe, comprised of three sub-energies: Soma, Agni and Marut
PratilomaMassage stroke with the pressure of the movement going from the distal to proximal part of the body, e.g. Hand to Shoulder
Prithvi One of the five Bhutas, the earth element
Proximal The area of the body closest to the center or point of attachment. 
Rakta One of the seven dhatus, represents the red blood cells
Rasa One of the seven dhatus, represents the lymph, white blood cells and plasma 
RF Radio Frequency; electromagnetic wave frequencies used to broadcast radio, television, cell phones, satellites and radar signals. Affects the prana in similar ways as EMF/EMR.
Sanskrit An ancient language of India in which Ayurveda scriptures are written.
Sattva/Sattvic One of the three guns, characterized by expansion and evolution, the light (consciousness) of the soul, shining through the heart lotus and enlightening the mind
Shukra One of the seven dhatus, represents the male and female Reproductive fluids
Snehana The application of oil, oleation, of the body, both internally and externally. also represents love and compassion. 
SomaThe stabilizing, nurturing, cooling and connecting energy associated with the moon, transformed into Kapha and Ojas in the physiology; one of the three embodied energies within Prana
Sternum Also called the breastbone, it is a long flat bone located in the center of the upper chest region on the front body.  It connects the ribs and cartilage and protects the underlying organs and tissues. 
Talahridaya The marma point located in the palms and soles that connects to the heart marma, hridaya.  It opens the heart lotus, calms the emotions and settles the mind.
Thailam An Ayurvedic preparation in which a base oil is infused with herbal decoction and herbal paste using heat.
Tridoshic The action, herb or vibration is balancing to all three doshas
Vata The Marut predominant dosha, governs the Space and Air elements; related to movement, change and irregularity
Vayu One of the five Bhutas, the air element
Vibrational Channels Also referred to the Nadis, the paths through which prana flows through the body